
Lois Petren, author of the Lulu and Lainey and Five Enchanted Mermaids series of children's picture books, became an author by chance when, after returning from a family vacation in Paris, she discovered she had left behind a ball of yarn she needed to complete a knitting project. This became the inspiration for her first book, "Lulu and Lainey ... a French Yarn." Five additional books followed.

The Lulu and Lainey series follows the advemtires of a little French girl named Lulu, who loves to knit with her grand-mére. She even has a favorite ball of squishy green yarn, which she calls “Lainey”.

Since 2018, in collaboration with LifeMadeSimple, LLC, Lois has authored a series of books about the Five Enchanted Mermaids, a diverse multicultural group of mermaids who help children to develop a growth mindset and learn developmental skills. Each mermaid has a superpower, which can help young children in their early development.

Lois has had successful careers in marketing, fashion and retirement services. She lives in Southern California with her husband and children. When she is not writing she can be found knitting, cooking, or planning her next vacation.